Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How does Coconut Oil feel?
Super slippery, Coconut Oil is very light and feels great! Rub the tiniest amount between your fingers and you'll see.
Q: How does Coconut Oil smell?
Love the smell of toasted Coconut? How about Coconut Macaroons? Brings a whole new meaning to "Having Your Cookies!"
Q: How does Coconut Oil taste?
Coconut Oil has a light Coconut flavor, almost no flavor at all. My partner agrees; it tastes great!
Q: Can Coconut Oil be used as a daily moisturizer?
Absolutely! In fact, I create little Get Lucky Candies (mini vaginal suppositories in fun shapes) which I keep in my refrigerator. You can also add essential oils, like lavender, and Vitamin E to design your own wonderful daily vaginal moisturizer.
Q: When should I use Get Lucky Candies?
Although Playtime can be any time, I also recommend slipping a Get Lucky Candy in at bedtime as a part of a Daily Healthy Routine for every woman's Lady Parts, enjoy Playtime, "Have Your Cookies" ((giggle)), with a partner or on your own!
Q: How easy is it to insert Coconut Oil?
Coconut Oil is solid at temperatures lower than 76° F. In warmer climates, if you'd like it to stay solid, you'll want to refrigerate. As a solid, you can insert a small amount into your vagina and it will melt immediately. I create little Candies (mini vaginal suppositories in fun shapes) which I keep in my refrigerator. Get Lucky Candies are a fun, playful way to engage your partner as well. In my bedroom, we share "Candies" and "Cookies" all the time! ((giggle))
Q: Get Lucky Candies in the refrigerator? Burr!
Get Lucky Candies (mini vaginal suppositories in fun shapes) are even more wonderful when you use them just out of the refrigerator. The cool-to-touch sensation is very soothing and the Candy will melt almost immediately after you insert one. Put your playful smile on. Haven't you ever heard a girl hint naughtily about "something she does with ice cubes "? ((giggle)) Trust me! The moment of cool is refreshing, soothing, and lovely. Give it a try!
Q: What about the shape?
Get Lucky Candies (mini vaginal suppositories in fun shapes) melt at temperatures over 76° F
, so they begin to soften right in your fingers and slip in very easily. The Heart Shape of the Candies is to make sharing Candies a playful exchange. Slip one in and you'll see!
Q: How many Get Lucky Candies will I need?
One Get Lucky Candy (mini vaginal suppositories in fun shapes) is enough for one (or two) Cookies ((blush)). Feel free to use more for a massage or as a body moisturizer.
Q: What are you talking about? Candies? Cookies?
What, you couldn't guess? Get Lucky = Sex. Cookie = Orgasm. Candy = heart shaped Coconut Oil vaginal suppository. Lady Parts = many lovely pleasure zones of the Vagina. Since we are feeling playful, Girls = Boobies, of course. And, just so our fellas are not left out, Coconuts = Nope! Sorry fellas! "Hold onto your coconuts.. " is an inside joke that will make my nieces giggle. Although it does make for a handy play on words. Handy. And, playful is the name of the game, is it not?
Q: Will Get Lucky Candies stain my sheets?
Lighter colored sheets show less Playtime activity in general. Wash sheets in warm water. A little spot remover will take care of your darker colored sheets. Coconut Oil is very light and is easily washed out of sheets. If you're still worried, laying a cushy towel down before Playtime will absorb any extra oil left behind after you Get Lucky.
Q: I'm allergic to nuts. Can I use Coconut Oil?
People with tree nut allergies often ask if they should avoid Coconut Oil. The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) states, "Coconut is not a botanical nut; it is classified as a fruit, even though the Food and Drug Administration recognizes coconut as a tree nut. While allergic reactions to coconut have been documented, most people who are allergic to tree nuts can safely eat coconut. If you are allergic to tree nuts, talk to your allergist before adding coconut to your diet." You may want to try a little on your and your partner's skin, somewhere like an arm or leg, before you Get Lucky and Have Your Cookies.
Q: What about Safe Sex and Contraception?
If you want to use Coconut Oil as a personal lubricant, please use polyurethane condoms, because they don't break down with oil-based lubrication. If your diaphragm (cap) is made from silicone, you may be able to use Coconut Oil as a lubricant, but you should contact the diaphragm manufacturer to be sure.
Q: Trying to get pregnant?
Please discuss the use of Coconut Oil as a personal lubricant with your doctor before using.